

In Affiliation With


We are excited to have teamed up with Greg Onega and SportsMedic LLC for a edgework and off-ice training camp for the 14U/12U players. The goal of this camp is to give players the opportunity to have an off-ice session followed immediately by an on-ice session with the chance to apply the instruction we will provide. Coach Nick and Coach Greg have worked on a coordinated plan for players to have a challenging but educational off-ice training workout which will immediately follow up with a on-ice session for edgework. We want players to understand the importance of specific hockey off-ice movements and how they can improve the on ice skating stride and edges.

Through instruction, a complete breakdown, repetitions, take home information guide, and more…the players will have a great opportunity to get ready for the season in a practical way.


AGES: 14U/12U

DATES: AUG 2 + 3

TIMES: 7:00-8:30PM (both nights)

PRICE: $175/Both Sessions

ON-ICE SESSION: The players will have an instructional edgework session on ice with coach nick and the Battista hockey coaches. These session will include skills and drills both with and without a puck. Including the usual edgework, there will be a breakdown of the smaller details and make sure the players are following through with discipline in technique. The movements covered in the off-ice by coach Greg will be applied in these sessions and then connected to game situations.

OFF-ICE SESSION: The players will have an off ice training session with Coach Greg along with an assistant. Coach Greg will run the player through something similar to a combine with more of an educational approach. Each movement will be tied to the on-ice counterpart and how it specifically improves the overall skating. Plenty of reps and plenty of instruction which will follow with the on-ice session with coach nick.

Coach Nick and coach Greg will be accompanied by other coaches to help with the overall camp.

Camp Will INCLUDE:

  • On-Ice Edgework and skating (coordinated plan with off ice)

  • Off-ice movement and training (coordinated plan with on ice)

  • Information guide on all off ice training, workouts, movements as well as on ice edgework guide

  • Healthy snacks, water, and sports drinks

  • shirt with camp name and logo

  • video analysis and breakdown

  • and more…

For more information about the specific camp, check out the information below or click the button to go to the registration page: