This page contains all the information and faqs regarding our services and features. Click one of the buttons below to be directed to that section or scroll down the page
Below is all the frequently asked questions about Battista hockey SERVICES and operations. CLICK THE + FOR THE DROP DOWN.
Battista Hockey is a Pittsburgh based hockey training business that provides different services and features.
We offer services such as hockey lessons, Camps and Clinics, Special Events, Consultations & more!
PHONE: (888) 942-6224
TEXT: (888) 942-6224
EMAIL: info@battistahockey.com
MESSAGING: Click Chat box in the bottom right corner
Battista Hockey has a Terms and conditions of sale that is agreed upon by the client for any hockey related services we provide. The full Terms and conditions can be found by clicking here:
Hockey lessons - faqs
Below is all the frequently asked questions about hockey lessons and operations. CLICK THE + FOR THE DROP DOWN.
Hockey lessons are on-ice training sessions with an individual coach who’s sole focus is on the player’s development for specialized skills. Lessons are great for adding instruction and mentorship while improving skating and edges, stick skills, passing, shooting, game situations, and more.
Battista Hockey and coach nick offer hockey lessons Year-Round for players 8u - Adult. Lessons are located out of multiple rinks with the primary rink being Palmer Imaging Arena.for more information about our lesson locations, click here - lesson locations..
Item description
Before registering or completing a form, each player/parent must review the updated lesson page. This has all the new plans and options as well as the commitments and requirements. Once thoroughly reviewing the plans, you may complete a submission form or book an initial consultation.
For all NEW Players, Please fill out a NEW SUBMISSION FORM HERE.
For Returning Players please fill out RETURNING SUBMISSION FORM HERE.
The form will be reviewed and Coach nick will respond within 7 business days of the submission date.
Completing a form IS NOT A CONFIRMATION OF ANY PLAN OR LESSON MEMBERSHIP. This is to show interest in lessons with battista hockey and to move forward on selecting a plan or option.
Returning players are not guaranteed a spot or plan by completing the form. This is to simply show interest in returning to battista hockey. Coach Nick will attempt to accommodate returning players first when an opening becomes available for the next month. Returning players will automatically be placed on the waiting list until a spot becomes available. all plans, commitments, and scheduling commences at the 1st of each month, depending on the plan. For more information, check out our lesson plans and option page here.
If you like the services and plans we offer, understand the commitments, and are looking for more in-depth and structured training, then lessons with us would be right for you.
We require a certain amount of commitment from the players, flexibility in scheduling, and complete focus on the goals and assessments we have laid out for the player. -
Battista Hockey has a Terms and conditions of sale that is agreed upon by the client for any hockey related services we provide. The full Terms and conditions can be found by clicking here:
If a scheduled lesson is canceled within 8 hours of the start time, the client is required to pay the full amount. Unless a medical or extreme emergency, all cancellations within 8 hours are responsible for paying the invoice.
Each plan has a required minimum amount of lessons that need to be scheduled. If cancellations drop the number of lessons below the minimum required amount, the plan will be cancelled for the month without any refunds.
after any two cancellations, regardless of timing of payment, lose reserved spot in plan and lose eligibility for the black plan for the following month
REFUND Policies:
all payments are nonrefundable
If full month payment is made in advance, only credits will be applied.
Refunds only apply for first month of the 3 months
if player is injured with more than 1.5 months remaining a monetary refund for second 1.5 months
refunds only apply for first 3 months of the 6 months
if player is injured with more than 3 months remaining a monetary refund for second 3 months
Below is all the frequently asked questions about CAMPS & CLINICS and operations. CLICK THE + FOR THE DROP DOWN.
We offer Camps and Clinics Year-Round at different local rinks in the pittsburgh area.
Our Camps and clinics include minimum of a few hours of ice time that focuses on a particular skill or concept. Players have the opportunity to learn from a diverse, experienced, and knowledgeable staff of coaches.
We offer Camps and Clinics at Palmer Imaging Arena, Kirk S. Nevin, NCRC Rink, Spencer YMCA
For more on Rinks and Locations Click Here!
Registration for Each Camp and Clinic is online and located on our Camps and Clinics page.
All Active evetns will be listed on the main camps and clinics page. Follow the links which will direct you to the registration and payment form. Complete the form and make an online payment and you will secure a spot in the event.
Information will be required to be taken such as name, contact information, medical information and more.
Camps and Clinics include:
-On-Ice Practice Sessions (few hours minimum)
-Pre-Event Consultation Phone Call
-Player Information Packet (event itinerary and resources)
-Healthy Snacks and Drinks
-Various Apparel
-Post Camp Consultation
-Photos and Videos provided by Brian Tomasino Media
PRICING - Each camp or clinic’s price varies depending on multiple factors including event focus, location, on-ice hours or event days, resources included, etc.
REFUNDS - All Sales for each registration and camp are final
Each Events registration includes the agreement for the Terms and Conditions, The Liability and Media Release Waiver, and the Communication Consent.
For more information on the exact Terms and Conditions - PLEASE CLICK HERE!
Below is all the frequently asked questions about SPECIAL EVENTS and operations. CLICK THE + FOR THE DROP DOWN.
Our special events are aimed to be fun for the players and promote the passion and love of the game.
Different examples of Special Events we offer are:
-Pick Up Games, Coaches Skate, Skills Competitions, King of the Rink Tournament, and MORE!
We offer our Special Events year round at different rinks in the local pittsburgh area.
Rinks Include: Palmer Imaging Arena, Kirk S. Nevin Arena, NCRC, Spencer YMCA
We try to offer events every other month for players.
All information can be found by clicking here!
All Events, Including special events, offered through battista hockey are subject to the Battista Hockey Terms and conditions.
more information about our terms and conditions can be found by clicking here!
Other information - FAQs
Below is all other relevant and important information pertaining to the business of battista hockey. CLICK THE + FOR THE DROP DOWN.
For any coaches who are interested in coaching opportunities with Battista hockey - Please CLICK HERE!
Battista Hockey is Affiliated and frequently collaborates with other hockey businesses and services in the area.
To check out our list of affiliates - please click here!