We have a PRESEASON CHECKING CLINIC for all 14U players and first year checking players! This will be a really in depth breakdown very similar to the checking clinic we ran a few months ago.
This clinic will have a complete breakdown of all angling and body contact with an emphasis on receiving checks and contact safely.
AGES: 14U Players
DATES: AUG 26th + 27th
TIMES: 7:00-8:30PM (90 minutes)
PRICE: $125/Player
PRACTICE PLAN: The players will have about 60 minutes of different drills and instruction on the proper technique for angling and engaging in body contact safely. The 2nd night will work on full 60 minutes of checking and different situations that contain checking such as hip checks, open ice, hit and pin, etc. The last 30 minutes of each session will conclude with game situations that will give the players the chance to apply what we worked on in controlled game settings.
Camp Will INCLUDE:
On-Ice Checking, Angling, Body Contact breakdown and technique
Plenty of repetitions
Game settings and situations to promote proper application to in game action
Healthy snacks, water, and sports drinks
Shirt with logo
and more…
For more information about the specific clinic, check out the information below or click the button to go to the registration page: