Private Lesson Perspective
Hockey has become such a skill based sport that requires a lot of the small details to be vastly improved. Players are on average playing on two teams with two practices per team each week. Between 2 games minimum per week, 4 practices, and now you add in lessons….it can be a lot of ice time. Private lessons are offered by so many coaches and businesses in the local area, including us, that we can sometimes lose track of what private lessons are about.
In our perspective, private training lessons are to be in addition to your practices, games, and off ice training. Lessons should be a time where a player(s) work with an individual coach to adapt and improve smaller details of the game. These small details are the ones that maybe head coaches of the teams don’t have excess time to spend on in practice, especially once you get to the higher levels. It is becoming expected of the player to improve and perfect their craft outside of just practices, games, and even lessons.
Each player needs to take a strong look and a true perspective of why they chose to take lessons. What makes the player motivated to continue to do lessons each week? These questions and many other like it are important as it strongly dictates what players get out of lessons and what coaches provide. Players should have a strong focus on what they are training towards with extra ice time through lessons. The more scattered a player is the harder it is to help them improve. Goals are very important!